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I Am a Good Guy Who Women Reject Time and Time Again

Nosotros all know the feeling of rejection. At some point in our lives, nosotros surely experienced the pain of existence considered "non worthy" or "non expert plenty" and we do not desire to bequeath it on some other person, right?

That existence said, there are times when it just won't work with a guy – and you have to detect a manner to decline him without pain his feelings. Knowing how to reject a guy nicely has its ain merits. Aside from avoiding the dreaded "She is a total cold hearted A-pigsty" reputation, you lot tin can likewise gain a friend, instead of losing one if you turn down them harshly.

Seriously though, if you are going to reject a guy then doing it via text messaging is the all-time road. Starting time of all, you lot are turning someone down – and they might react negatively.

In case they do, you don't want to be around them equally they are soothing their bruised egos – give them fourth dimension to work through their let down, and yous avoid possible confrontation.

If you know how to reject a guy in a overnice way, they volition not pass up the friendship that you are offering. Just brand certain that yous don't mislead them and leave them hanging for more – be assertive that you simply want friendship.

Most of the time, you have to make him see that information technology is not him that is the problem – it is you (and your lack of involvement to turn your friendly human relationship into a romantic one).

To help you out, here are a list of the effective texts that you lot can use to reject a guy nicely – and nevertheless stay friends later.


"Hey, (guy'southward name) the trouble is not you lot. It's me. I feel like I am actually in a tight spot right at present and I practice not want to be in a relationship considering I am not yet ready. Once again, the problem is not you, it's me."


"Hi (guy's name) I am pitiful to put it similar this correct now, but school matters to me and I would really love it if we can still be friends. I am just too busy with my studies correct now and I don't desire to add more pressure to you and to myself. I just don't want y'all to call up that I reject you as a person – I only want to focus on studies right at present."

girl searching book in liberary

Photo past Becca Tapert on Unsplash


"(guy'south name) we take very dissimilar personalities but I actually think that information technology would be great if we can withal share our similar passion for the art, even if we tin't be a couple. I actually liked that nosotros both love Van Gogh, and that's a fact – I really practise not want to reject your friendship and our shared passions too J"


"You are really a prissy guy (guy'due south name) but honestly, I am working 3 jobs, and honestly feel similar I don't even have fourth dimension for me – if I were you, I'd exist rejecting me! I'm deplorable I am just not gear up."


"Hi (guy's name), I am really thankful for all your nice words and your compliments, but I actually need more time to effigy out myself first. I am not certain if I want to exist in a relationship right now, I am sure you understand, right?"


"(guy's name) I am actually sorry to tell you this, but you won't really like me when you get to know me. Why? Because I am crazy. I do crazy, weird things – and it might make you feel uncomfortable. I call back that we can all the same exist friends though – I don't want to reject the friendship of someone as nice as you."


"I appreciate your attention – I actually do. But (guy'south proper name) I experience like I am not really the right daughter for y'all. I accept my own difficult times to deal with right at present, and I experience like I am not in a position to put that burden on someone else."


"(guy's name) you are a great guy and I am sure someone will be proud to accept y'all every bit a partner one twenty-four hours. Still, I am not really looking for a romantic relationship right now – my parents are strict, and they want me to focus on studying offset."

parents holding hands of a baby girl on each side walking

Photo by Brittany Simuangco on Unsplash


"(guy'southward name) yous are a smart, intelligent and caring guy – and I love all those traits about you. But I want to live my own life correct now, and I exercise not desire to have a relationship only however. There are plenty of fish in the body of water for a guy with your qualities – I do not desire yous to remember I am rejecting you completely, I just don't think we are a good lucifer."


Photograph by Subtle Cine on unsplash


"I don't want to scare you lot, or anything, but my blood brother is actually a big bully who doesn't like me getting into a relationship – just yet. He is and then protective and I simply don't want the 2 of us to break our friendship considering of a romantic relationship that I want the two of us to lose our friendship because he sees what we demand to encounter – we aren't gear up for a romantic relationship. I hope you sympathize that this is not a personal refuse coming from me."


"(guy's name) I am truly saddened past your proposal. I truly am. Not because I detest you – but because I am merely not set to plunge into a relationship right now. Can we still be friends after this so I won't be too sad?"


"Yous know what (Guy's name), I am just a ticking time bomb, waiting to explode. And you actually don't want to be around when that happens. If you tin can accept me this way, and be patient with me, I'd similar us to stay friends."

girl holding pink bomb

Photo by Jamie Street on Unsplash


"(Guy'south name) every bit y'all know, I have ii footling sisters that rely on me for their school allowance, and I have to piece of work three jobs just to brand the ends meet. I can't add any more burden and pressure to myself – but I hope nosotros tin can withal be friends because I do not want to pass up your friendship."


"(Guy'due south name) I know that this might come off as an excuse, but I just recently got out of a very toxic relationship. To be honest with you, I just desire to repair myself right at present – and having some other romantic human relationship will not help. Nevertheless, your friendship is something that I really enjoy – I hope nosotros can nevertheless stay friends."


"(Guy's proper name) to be honest with you, it has been fun hanging out every bit friends. However, I really don't feel a romantic connexion between u.s., and I'd really appreciate it if nosotros can still keep our friendship"


"Hullo (Guy's name), I am going out on a limb hither merely I only desire to say that I really enjoy exchanging chats and texts with you lot. However, I really don't feel like taking things to the adjacent level correct now – so I am only going to be straight to the point. Can nosotros still be friends?"


"(Guy's name), information technology was prissy hanging out with y'all and I really dearest that nosotros accept a budding friendship going on. But, truthfully, I only see you as my older / younger brother and naught more. I hope yous sympathize and we can still stay equally friends."

brother sister friendly hugging each other

Paradigm from Canva – under sometime utilise license


"Hello (guy's name), I've been thinking for a while now that nosotros really accept a great friendship going, but afterwards what you said terminal night I simply don't desire to mislead you. I feel like we tin can be very adept friends, but not so much every bit a couple. Are yous still upward for a friendship?"


"(guy's proper noun) thank yous for your attention and compliments, I actually appreciate them and I want to thank you for being such nice company. Simply my daddy is in the army and he really doesn't like me having a relationship correct now… perhaps a friendship could be nice instead?"


"(guy'due south proper name), you are an crawly person and I know that you know that too. Yet, in that location is no chemistry between us and I practise not experience similar a romantic relationship is in bloom. Can we still exist friends and not reject each other after this?"


"Hi (guy's name) I just want to say that I capeesh your proposal last night. Yet, I would similar to say that you are better off without me because (put your reason here) and I really call up that I would not be able to reciprocate your attention right now. I promise that y'all understand."


"It but came to me that I come across you more than as a buddy and not every bit a beau – which is not bad! Nosotros just lack that romantic spark that yous see in movies – but I hope that we can still stay friends after this."


"(guy'due south name) I just want to be straight as an pointer with you – I don't have time for a relationship right now. With the midterms coming, my jobs waiting and some piffling siblings relying on me – having a relationship just won't cut information technology right now and I promise yous understand."


"(guy'south name) I am going on a trip to (name of place) next calendar week and although I would dear to still be in contact, I might be decorated because – you know me, I am quite the avid traveler. As much as I want to spend more time and get to know each other, I don't think that would be possible with my schedule. I hope that you understand the situation."

girl bohemian going on trip by car

Photo past Amos Bar-Zeev on Unsplash


"Hello (guy'due south proper name) I don't want it to announced like I was leading you lot on, but I am currently dating someone else right now. I really feel that our friendship was great though – and it felt really nice hanging out with you lot. I hope you don't mind if we can however proceed our friendship, I'd like that."


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